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Community Came Together to Help 9

Oct 22, 2023

Cleveland, OH. - Seven years ago, a stray bullet shot Alaya Brown in the head in the City of Cleveland. Her mom held her in her arms when young men began to shoot at a male walking the street, and Alaya was struck. As a result, Alaya's brain and skull were severely damaged. The little girl is paralyzed. She has to use a customized wheelchair stroller for mobility. She is a victim of criminal elements and the use of guns.

Sadly, Alaya's aunt's 2021 KIA Seltos vehicle was stolen three weeks ago. Inside the vehicle was the girl's wheelchair stroller and car seat. Cleveland thieves took everything inside the unit, leaving Alaya a victim of theft. The family was without a vehicle and could not physically move and travel with Alaya. "My granddaughter has been victimized twice. They stole the car and my grandbaby's customized wheelchair stroller. Please let her live. She can't go outside or anything. She can't even be a child. Can they please let her live," scoffed the grandmother.

The grandmother, Gwendolyn Curry, called Kimberly F Brown, known as Brown on Cleveland, for assistance. Brown on Cleveland met with the family to get the situation's details and ensure that resources had been exhausted. The family reported that Progressive Insurance denied the claim and that the Dodge Jeep and Ram of Willoughby were unwilling to assist with getting a mobility unit for the child. We helped the family set up a GOFUND ME account and wrote two articles supporting the little girl in hopes of helping the family raise the money for a new customized wheelchair stroller. To get more coverage about this issue, we contacted TV 19 News to aid us with this mission. Reporter Katie Tercek reported the story.

Brian Chulik of Super Heroes to Kids in OHIO got involved. He referred the family to John "Tad" Peck of Lucy Idol Center, Inc of Vermillion, OH, who visited the family. They temporarily set up a mobile unit for Alaya until her new unit arrives. Meanwhile, readers, viewers, and social media friends shared stories and created videos to sound the alarm to help this little girl and her family. "This outreach was a collective effort. This happens when the community comes together - we don't politic, we don't discriminate, we come together to make things happen - and we did this together," said Brown. Viewers donated, shared the stories, and they offered prayers. Podcaster Alwyn Bridges took to the airwaves to garner attention. The highest donation was $3,500.00 from an anonymous donor.

The goal was to raise $6,000. We have collectively raised $9,035 to get a new customized wheelchair stroller and car seat. According to NewsBreak Analytics, Brown on Cleveland generated 11,050 views, 146 shares, 138 likes, and 63 comments.

"The community has been wonderful to us, Kim and Katie; you are so special to us that we could never thank you enough," stated Alaya's Grandmother, Ms. Gwendolyn Curry.

The family is scheduled to order Alaya's new customized wheelchair stroller and car seat Friday, June 9, 2023.

TV 19 News Reporter Katie Tercek Podcaster Alwyn Bridges According to NewsBreak Analytics, Brown on Cleveland generated 11,050 views, 146 shares, 138 likes, and 63 comments.