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Inside the Huddle: Tyler Nickel

Apr 02, 2023
What is your nickname? What is your favorite food? What is your favorite movie or Netflix series? Who is your favorite basketball player? What are your favorite basketball shoes? What is your favorite hobby outside of basketball? What is your favorite sport outside of basketball? Where is your favorite spot in Blacksburg? What are you looking forward to the most playing in Cassell? What do you remember the most about your first time playing in Cassell last December? What is your favorite basketball memory? What were some of the key factors in deciding to transfer to Virginia Tech? What are three strengths of your game? What is one fun fact Tech fans should know about you? With you being one of them, who is in your dream starting five? What's on your pregame playlist? Where is the favorite place you've traveled to? Describe Coach Young in one word: When did you start playing basketball? What is the best advice you've ever received? If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would you choose? If you could only have two apps on your phone, what would they be? What are the top three things on your bucket list?